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Painful Nodules After Vasectomy: What Exactly Is Going On?

November 5, 2024 0 Comments

The idea of getting painful nodules after vasectomy probably sounds like a horrible thought. The term "scrotal nodules" evokes images of a scrotum that looks like a bag of oranges or, even worse, an Elephant man scrotum! If you are unfortunate enough to get nodules after your vasectomy, you can be reassured you will not...


How Common Are Scrotal Nodules After Vasectomy?

September 18, 2024 0 Comments

It is common to form a scrotal nodules after vasectomy. A scrotal nodule can best be thought of as a 'lump' or 'bump' that can be felt somewhere inside the scrotum after vasectomy. We estimate 1 out of 4 vasectomy patients will form a painless nodule (lump) that persists long after their vasectomy. Developing nodules...


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