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Vasectomy Failure: Why Do Vasectomies Fail?

November 17, 2024 0 Comments

Vasectomy failure is possible. No birth control method is 100% effective. Although no method is 100% effective, vasectomy can be close to 100% effective at preventing pregnancy. This high rate of effectiveness can only be achieved if the most up-to-date techniques are used during the vasectomy procedure. Older vasectomy methods that involve tying, cutting, and...


Painful Nodules After Vasectomy: What Exactly Is Going On?

November 5, 2024 0 Comments

The idea of getting painful nodules after vasectomy probably sounds like a horrible thought. The term "scrotal nodules" evokes images of a scrotum that looks like a bag of oranges or, even worse, an Elephant man scrotum! If you are unfortunate enough to get nodules after your vasectomy, you can be reassured you will not...


Scrotal hematoma: A serious vasectomy complication

October 27, 2024 0 Comments

Anyone considering vasectomy should be aware of a serious vasectomy complication: scrotal hematoma. Scrotal hematomas occur in approximately 1 out of every 100 patients (1%) who have a vasectomy procedure. Hematomas are more common when you have traditional scalpel vasectomy. A scrotal hematoma is the result of bleeding inside the scrotum after a vasectomy procedure....


Inflammation After Vasectomy: Common Cause Of Pain After Vasectomy

October 13, 2024 0 Comments

Inflammation after vasectomy is a risk of any vasectomy procedure. Scrotal inflammation as a cause of pain after vasectomy happens in approximately 20% of vasectomy patients... or 1 out of 5 patients. This scrotal inflammation is not serious, but it can be a source of discomfort or pain after the procedure. There can be multiple...


Vasectomy Regret: Will You Regret Your Vasectomy?

October 2, 2024 0 Comments

Vasectomy should be considered permanent. Despite being permanent, there are those who will have vasectomy regret. Vasectomy regret occurs in up to 10% of vasectomy patients. One out of ten patients is a significant number. If you are seriously considering vasectomy you can also be reassured nine out of ten will not regret their decision....


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If you have been a patient at our center and have specific questions about your medical care you should contact the staff directly at (919) 977-5060.

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