No-needle, No Scalpel, No Pain… An Easy Vasctomy!
His Choice Vasectomy is the least invasive and most modern vasectomy procedure available. His Choice Vasectomy is performed in a doctor’s office, in less than 15 minutes, and with local anesthesia.
Neither a needle nor a scalpel are used in His Choice Vasectomy. Only a single small opening about the size of a ‘Tic-Tac’ is needed. The vasectomy opening is so small that sutures are not even required.
Dr. Monteith specializes in providing His Choice Vasectomy and has performed 6000+ of these vasectomy procedures. He allows patients to have the vasectomy during a single office visit and keeps the cost affordable for those who have to pay out-of-pocket.
Benefits of His Choice Vasectomy
- Most minimally invasive form of vasectomy
- Only one office visit needed
- Minimal pain and down time
- Resume full activity in 48 hours
Cost of vasectomy with His Choice
More information: Cost of vasectomy with His Choice
Dr. Monteith performs an open-ended vasectomy technique. This technique can cause less pain and promotes faster return to normal activity. More information: Open-ended vasectomy technique
More information about His Choice Vasectomy?
If you would like more information about having a His Choice Vasectomy with Dr. Monteith, enter your email address below and you will receive an automated email with more information.
You will only receive one email from our office and we will not use your email address for any other purpose.
About Dr. Monteith
Dr. Monteith is the Medical Director of His Choice, which is located in Raleigh, North Carolina. He has been performing vasectomy procedures since 2006.
Dr. Monteith has participated in vasectomy surgical missions in the Philippines, Kenya, and Haiti.
Dr. Monteith’s goals are to provide the best vasectomy procedure and to remove unnecessary barriers to vasectomy.
For reviews about Dr Monteith: Google patient reviews about Dr. Monteith
Vasectomy: Not ready yet?
His Choice Vasectomy should be considered permanent.
If you are undecided about having a vasectomy or would like to have more children, then you should not have a vasectomy.
Dr. Monteith is an ardent supporter of vasectomy because it is easier and far safer for men than tubal ligation is for women.
Most men will consider having a vasectomy at some point in their lives. Dr. Monteith wants you to know he is available for you when you are ready to make your decision.