Vasectomy: Is a consultation required?
Most vasectomy providers require you to schedule an office visit to discuss vasectomy before having the procedure.
This is perfectly reasonable since vasectomy is a life changing experience.
Experts of the American Urological Association are of the opinion vasectomy patients should have a preoperative consultation.
“A preoperative interactive consultation should be conducted, preferably in person. If an in-person consultation is not possible, then preoperative consultation by telephone or electronic communication is an acceptable alternative.”
– Expert Opinion of the American Urological Association: 2012 Vasectomy Position Statement
Do you need a consultation visit?
It has long been my belief a mandatory preoperative consultation can be an unnecessary barrier for most men who are considering vasectomy. I prefer to let my patients choose what they feel is best for them because each patient has a unique and personal reason why they want to undergo this procedure.
Most men don’t make a hasty decision to have a vasectomy and take the time to be well informed about their vasectomy procedure before they ever walk into a doctors office. For others, they are simply satisfied to know it is a safe office-based procedure which provides permanent birth control. Many of these men are perfectly content walking into an office and having a vasectomy without a consultation.
Some men do have concerns about their medical conditions, risks of vasectomy, or possible complications of vasectomy. Sometimes the man is perfectly content but his female partner may have concerns. If you or your partner has concerns about having a vasectomy procedure then you should make a consultation appointment.
Your body…your decision: One visit or two!
This website has been designed to provide you with extensive information about vasectomy. I have provided in-depth insight into both the risks and benefits of having a vasectomy. If you have a high-risk health condition or have questions or concerns about vasectomy after reviewing the website then I encourage you to call and speak to staff and have your questions answered. You are also welcome to schedule a consultation to discuss if vasectomy is appropriate for you. Essentially you are making a personal choice about your life and I think it is entirely appropriate to let you decide if you want to have a consultation visit before having a vasectomy.