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Vasectomy Reversal: Not As Bad As My Vasectomy Procedure Doc!

March 7, 2015

vasectomy-reversal-doctorThis week I performed a vasectomy reversal on a patient from Virginia. He gave me what I feel to be the nicest compliment a vasectomy reversal patient could ever give their vasectomy reversal doctor,

“This vasectomy reversal surgery was much less painful than my vasectomy doc!”

Even more impressive was his compliment was given the day after the vasectomy reversal surgery.

Vasectomies at my center are not typically painful. Although having a vasectomy is no fun, most of the discomfort is magnified by a person’s anxiety.

Most men inform me their vasectomy procedure was ‘not as bad as I thought it would be..” and they typically rate their pain during the vasectomy around a 2 to 3 on a scale of 10.

When a vasectomy reversal patient tells me his major, three hour operation was not as bad as his easy 12 minute vasectomy….I take that as a great compliment!

How is a vasectomy reversal procedure done?

A vasectomy reversal is done as a no scalpel vasectomy reversal procedure at His Choice.

I perform vasectomy reversal under general anesthesia. I use a no scalpel approach and can often perform the vasectomy through a single mid-line incision. Not only are my vasectomy reversal procedures performed under general anesthesia but I also use local anesthetic that can provide relief from pain for up to six hours after the vasectomy reversal.

Often my vasectomy reversal incision is so small sutures are not required to close the incision. This is one of several advantages of a no-scalpel vasectomy reversal.

Is vasectomy reversal painful?

According to my reversal patient’s comments about his surgery….a vasectomy reversal does not have to be a painful procedure.

Most of the pain experienced during vasectomy reversal is during the actual surgery: finding the previous vasectomy site, isolating the upper and lower ends, removing the interval scar tissue, opening the closed ends, and rejoining the closed ends. This is also a process that occurs over a 2 to 3 hour time frame. Vasectomy reversal is, understandably, not a 10-minute vasectomy.

I perform vasectomy reversal under general anesthesia and use long acting anesthetic during the isolation, dissection, and reconnection of the tubal ends. The no scalpel opening not requiring sutures for closure also assists in faster healing and recovery.

Although most men are uncomfortable for several days after their vasectomy reversal, they can usually perform limited daily activities.

no-scalpel-vasectomy-reversal-surgeryJust in case we also provide prescriptions for narcotics (stronger pain medication) but most men will not need these stronger pain meds.

Vasectomy reversal Raleigh North Carolina

Vasectomy reversal does not have to be painful. A no scalpel minimally invasive vasectomy reversal done under general anesthesia can make a dreaded procedure go by much easier

When reversal is provided by a skilled staff in an outpatient surgical facility you can be assured you will be comfortable and well taken care of.

If you are looking for a vasectomy reversal then give our office a call at (919) 977-5050.

For more information: Vasectomy reversal surgery at His Choice

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