Call Us Today (919) 977-5060

Total vasectomies performed by Dr. Monteith as of January 1st, 2025: 8,141

Men who have His Choice Vasectomy at His Choice are emailed 1 month and 12 month surveys after their procedure.
The statistics below highlight the most important concerns men have when considering vasectomy.

If you would like more detailed information about these findings with additional information then visit:
His Choice Vasectomy Statistics: 12 Month After Vasectomy Statistics

How our patients rated pain during vasectomy procedures


Average pain rating during procedure 2.5
Scale of 0 (none) to 10 (severe)

How our patients rated pain the day after vasectomy procedures


Average pain rating the day after procedure 3.2
Scale of 0 (none) to 10 (severe)

Did our patients require prescription pain medication after vasectomy?


How our patients rated overall vasectomy experience


Sex drive after vasectomy: What our patients reported

Ability to have an erection after vasectomy: What our patients reported


Would patients recommend us to their friends?


Are you a statistics kind of guy?

If you would like more detailed statistics with additional insights about His Choice Vasectomy at His Choice then visit:

0/5 (0 Reviews)

Ask Us A Question!

Your questions about our services will be answered directly and promptly by our staff or Dr. Monteith. We will not respond to general medical questions or if you are a patient of another practice and are contacting us because you are not getting answers from your physician.

If you have been a patient at our center and have specific questions about your medical care you should contact the staff directly at (919) 977-5060.

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