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Easiest Vasectomy Procedure Available

September 16, 2016

Dr. Monteith offers the best and easiest vasectomy procedure currently available: His Choice Vasectomy.

Why is His Choice Vasectomy the easiest vasectomy procedure?

His Choice Vasectomy does not require a needle for anesthesia and does not require a scalpel for a skin opening. Instead anesthesia is provided with an intradermal air spray applicator and a skin opening is made with a no scalpel technique. The vasectomy is completed in the office in less than 10 minutes.

Dr. Monteith provides His Choice Vasectomy in Raleigh, North Carolina and does not require a consultation appointment. Most men schedule their vasectomy procedure within 1 to 2 weeks of calling his office.

Vasectomy patients travel from as far away as Georgia, Virginia, and South Carolina because
Dr. Monteith offers the easiest vasectomy procedure during a single visit for the most affordable price.

Hear more about His Choice Vasectomy!

In this introductory video, Dr. Monteith explains the advantages of having a His Choice Vasectomy procedure in his office.

Want to watch more vasectomy videos? Dr Monteith Vasectomy Video Series

Advantages of having the easiest vasectomy procedure with Dr Monteith

Dr. Monteith is dedicated to providing the best vasectomy procedure around with the least number of barriers. The following are the advantages when having vasectomy with Dr Monteith.

  • Only one visit required
  • Vasectomy done without a needle or scalpel
  • Only one skin opening is made
  • Downtime is less than 48 hours
  • Most health insurances accepted
  • If no insurance coverage total out-of-pocket costs are $750

Want more info about His Choice Vasectomy?

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Is This Doctor Legit?

offering-easiest-vasectomy-procedure-availableIf you feel a little uncomfortable having a vasectomy procedure during a single visit with a doctor who you have never met, then all you have to do is read Dr. Monteith’s patient reviews:

Google patient reviews of Dr Monteith

For more information visit Dr Monteith’s vasectomy website:
His Choice: Vasectomy and Vasectomy Reversal

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