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Vasectomy Regret: Will You Regret Your Vasectomy?

October 2, 2024 0 Comments

Vasectomy should be considered permanent. Despite being permanent, there are those who will have vasectomy regret. Vasectomy regret occurs in up to 10% of vasectomy patients. One out of ten patients is a significant number. If you are seriously considering vasectomy you can also be reassured nine out of ten will not regret their decision....


Vasectomy Reversal or IVF: What is best after a vasectomy?

May 13, 2015 0 Comments

If you had a vasectomy and want more children you probably asked yourself what is your best option to have another kid? Vasectomy reversal or IVF? Which is the better choice if you want more children after vasectomy. After searching you will quickly realize vasectomy reversal and in vitro fertilization are the top two treatments for having...


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