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Can A Man Still Cum After Vasectomy?

January 22, 2023

can-a-man-still-come-after-vasectomyMen have two fears when considering vasectomy: pain and sexual performance.

A man’s perception of vasectomy is often influenced by his feelings about vasectomy.

Simply put, if you have a negative perception of vasectomy then you are going to assume the worse about vasectomy. If you are neutral or even positive about vasectomy then you generally have a better outlook on the entire experience. Perception is everything.

Men who have negative perceptions about vasectomy are either ignorant (you can be smart and still be ignorant) or they personally know of someone who had a bad vasectomy experience.

Men who have positive perceptions about vasectomy are usually more educated, personally know someone who had vasectomy and a good experience, or are motivated towards some more important end goal (contributing to the health of the planet or not having kids). Having a vasectomy is usually an overall good thing for these positive guys.

A vasectomy does not have to be painful. Vasectomy recovery does not need to be a terrible experience. In fact when patients have a His Choice No Cut vasectomy most rate their pain during the procedure low and most rate their recovery as little to no pain.

Many men are concerned vasectomy will kill their sex life. Sex will not be a pleasurable. Sex will be painful and orgasms will vanish into thin air…and many will even wonder if they can still cum after vasectomy.

A vasectomy does not usually negatively impact your sexual performance. In fact, most men will see improvement in sexual satisfaction after having a vasectomy!

Important disclaimer: this article is written by a legit vasectomy providing doctor (Dr. Charles Monteith of Raleigh North Carolina)..not a hired author or website developer. If you are really questioning can a man still cum after vasectomy then you will find the content of this article both accurate and relevant to your concerns.

Can you still cum after vasectomy? Know thyself!

This may seem like a silly question to some but this is a very common question people (both men and women) have when considering vasectomy. Most people are just too embarrassed to ask their doctors…. so usually a quick internet search will help provide the answer.

impact-on-cum-after-having-no-scalpel-vasectomyAlthough it seems like a silly question, it is very understandable.

The philosopher Socrates is widely quoted as telling his students, “Know thyself.”

So let us teach you a little bit about how the male reproductive system works.

When you have sex… ‘cum’ (also known in the medical field as semen…or ejaculatory fluid) ‘comes’ out when you orgasm. Semen, also known by the slang term ‘cum’, is fluid that has sperm in it and sperm can get a women pregnant.

A vasectomy procedure stops sperm from ‘coming’ out. It helps to permanently prevent pregnancy. So it is easily understandable that simple logic would make you question if you don’t have sperm then you must not have any fluid…or ‘cum’ that gets shot out when you orgasm.

So people will commonly ask ‘what happens to the cum?’ The reason for this misunderstanding is most people do not have a detailed knowledge of the male reproductive system.

Male anatomy: Understanding what ‘cum’ really is!

Okay. Let’s start with your balls…also known to doctors as your testicles. We will try to explain in everyday language so people understand. In math, we refer to this as factoring to the lowest common denominator!

The balls… or the testicles…make two things: testosterone and sperm.

  • Starting in puberty and ending the day you die, the male hormone testosterone is constantly made by the testicles and gets absorbed into the blood stream.
  • The sperm is made in the testicles and travel to the outside of the testicle via small channels in the testicles themselves. These small channels connect to the epididymis.

Vasectomy has no impact on testosterone production. Vasectomy causes a blockage in the vas deferens that prevents sperm from traveling to their staging areas inside the pelvis of the man.

The epididymis is a very long, very narrow tube (similar to angel hair pasta) twisted on itself and located on the back side of each testicle. You can usually feel your epididymis if the scrotum is relaxed.

If you want to feel your epididymis then stand in a hot shower to help your scrotum relax. Gently squeeze one of your balls and on the back side of your ball you will feel a soft, spongy structure shaped in a “C” like structure that overlies the back of each ball. This is the epididymis. If you have ever had epididymitis then you have had inflammation in the epididymis.

The epididymis is the ‘basic training’ area for sperm. While sperm move slowly through the epididymis they mature and get into fighting shape. These sperm will have to be ready to get ‘ejected’ from the penis? Where do you think the term ejaculate ‘comes’ from?

These sperm then need to be healthy and vigorous enough to ‘hit the beach’ in the vagina and fight the woman’s hostile vaginal environment. Although you personally may like vaginas….sperm do not.

Sperm are soldiers and the vagina is like the beach at Normandy! Those guys need to hit the beach, move in, and search for an egg to fertilize. The vaginal pH (or acidity) is sometimes too much for sperm and the woman’s immune system will constantly attack sperm. This battle starts in the vagina.These sperm then have to fight and swim upstream through the cervix, uterus, and fallopian tube before they can find and fertilize an egg.

The vaginal battle: Its rough in there!

Understanding the battle in the vagina will help you understand cum.

The vagina has a high acid level …at least for sperm. The vagina also has white blood cells that attack sperm. These sperm need help to overcome these adverse conditions in the vagina…and this is where ‘cum’…comes in! No pun intended.

Sperm are made in the testicles. They travel up the vas deferens tube and into the body. The vas deferens tube gets larger once inside the pelvis of the man. This wide area is where the sperm stack up and start getting ready for battle. Right behind the prostate the widened areas of the two vas deferens tubes join. This is where the sperm are stored until they are called up for action.

When you ejaculate, fluid from the nearby seminal vesicles mixes with the sperm and also with fluid from the prostate. This is the fluid that comes out when you ejaculate. This is what people call ‘cum’.

We can all understand math right?

Cum = sperm + fluid from the seminal vesicles + fluid from the prostate

Fluid from the seminal vesicles and prostate help the sperm in several ways:

  1. Provides energy for the long journey (provides MRE’s or meals ready to eat)
  2. Provides enzymes which activate the sperm (arms the warheads)
  3. Provides pH balancers which both energize the sperm and helps decrease the pH of the vagina (chemical warfare against the enemy)

Here is the secret to understanding the answer to the question of ‘Can you still cum after vasectomy?’: out of all that fluid in cum…or semen…only 5% of the volume is sperm!  This means 95% of the volume of fluid is secreted by the prostate and seminal vesicles.

Vasectomy only blocks sperm passage.

A vasectomy procedure is performed in the portions of the vas deferens in the scrotum. The means sperm are blocked in the scrotum and BEFORE they get to the prostate or seminal vesicles. This means vasectomy only decrease semen volume by approximately 5%.

So when you have sex after a vasectomy….you still have fluid that comes out. The prostate and seminal vesicles create fluid and that is the fluid that shoots out when you orgasm. The sperm is absent…and this represents only about 5% of the total volume of sperm. This is why you can still cum after a vasectomy.

Having a 5% reduction in seminal volume cannot be appreciated by most men but there are some men out there who will swear they notice a difference. How these guys notice this I have no idea.

Lets go back to our math equation above:

  • Before vasectomy ‘Cum’ = sperm (5% volume) + fluid from the seminal vesicles (35%) + fluid from the prostate (60%)
  • After vasectomy ‘Cum’ = fluid from seminal vesicles (35%) + fluid from prostate (60%)

You still got 95% of your fluid volume guys!

What is more common to notice after vasectomy…for some men is that their semen can become clearer in color…less white and more clear…like egg whites.

This makes sense because sperm contain large amounts of DNA. DNA when condensed has a white powdery appearance. So if you don’t have sperm or DNA in your semen then it totally makes sense that your semen could become more clear in color.

Still have trouble understanding vasectomy and cum?

If you would like more insight then we encourage you to watch this video that explains the basic anatomy and principles of vasectomy.

Looking for an easy safe vasectomy? Consider a His Choice No Cut Vasectomy

If you want an easy, affordable and safe vasectomy then you should consider a His Choice Vasectomy.

This is a minimally invasive vasectomy technique performed in an office setting under local anesthesia.

Single visit appointments are offered. You are not required to have a driver. The vasectomy is less than twelve (12) minutes and you will be back on your feet and resuming normal activity in 48 hours.

Frozen peas and ice are not required.

For more information visit: His Choice Vasectomy in Raleigh NC

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